Brockville Museum “History Talks”

Designed as 45 minute*, stand-alone interpretive programs, the Brockville Museum is pleased to offer our “History Talks”.  These illustrated talks are available to groups of any age or size and all are designed to generate discussion.  A wide variety of interesting topics are available all focusing on our local history and the people and events that were involved.

Programs are not only available on-site at the Brockville Museum, but are also available to service clubs, tour groups, seniors’ homes, and private groups at locations convenient to them. Virtual delivery is also an option.

Check out our Adult Program Guide and fill-out and return (by email) our booking inquiry form. Please contact our Community Program Coordinator Alice (by email, or at ext. 6225) for more information.

*Programs can be shortened (or lengthened) to best fit your itinerary

Sample of topics currently available

  • • 20th Century Folk Art in Brockville
    • Our American Neighbours: Brockville’s Relationship with Morristown and America
    • The History of Automatic Electric
    • Brockville’s Automotive Industry
    • Brockville Arts Centre
    • Brockville Bands
    • Brockville Beverage Companies
    • Churches and Community in Brockville
    • Brockville’s Dairy Industry
    • Brockville’s Fraternal & Women’s Associations
    • How Fires Have Shaped Brockville Streetscapes
    • Frederick Lock and Painting Early Brockville
    • Brockville Grocery Stores
    • Hospitals of Brockville
    • Brockville Hotels
    • Military Parades in Brockville
    • Brockville Newspapers 1821 to 1917
    • Officers Training Camp
    • Brockville’s Olympic Connections
    • Brockville Parks
    • Patent Medicine in Brockville
    • Phillips Cables
    • History of the Recorder & Times
    • Royal Visits to Brockville
    • A History of Brockville Schools
    • Ship Building in Brockville
    • Spiritualism and Superstition in Brockville
    • History of Smarts Manufacturing
    • Brockville Social Clubs
    • Three Brockville Soldiers
    • Tourism, Brockville, and the Thousand Islands
    • Brockville Winter Pastimes