Have a question about Brockville’s history? We may be able to help with our research services.
We are able to access a number of resources in order to answer questions and provide information, including Brockville Directories and phone books dating back to the 1890s, Brockville history reference books, and research files containing copies of newspaper articles and miscellaneous documents on Brockville subjects.
Typical inquiries include information on local businesses, sports teams, events and previous owners of specific houses. We also receive requests for historical images of specific scenes. We normally respond to inquiries within 2-4 weeks depending on the nature of the request, volume of requests and availability of staff.
When making a research request, please be as specific as possible. Consider: What is the question you are trying to have answered? What do you already know? This helps ensure that we focus on the most relevant information that will be of the most interest to you.
We are not currently able to accommodate requests to perform your own research in-person.
For Genealogical (family history) inquiries, please contact the Leeds & Grenville Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society.
For land property records (land registry), please contact Service Ontario.
While most inquiries can be answered at no cost, please review our fee schedule before making a request. If a fee is necessary, we will advise you in advance.
Brockville Museum Research Library Holdings
- Brockville Directory, 1889-90
- Vernon Directories: 1911, 1913, 1919, 1929-1956, 1961-1980, 1990, 1994
- Subject-based Research Files (containing copies of newspaper clippings and misc. documents relating to Brockville businesses, people, events and places).
- Brockville reference books
Archival Holdings (sample)
- Brockville Collegiate Institute Year Books (most years)
- Brockville Public Utilities records
- Brochures, manuals and misc. promotional material from various Brockville companies
- Vernon Directories
- Blitz Magazines (Officer’s Training Camp magazine, WWII)
- Oral Histories
- Curry Collection (documents and photographs by Frederick Curry, relating to WWI)
In addition to these collections, the Brockville Museum has a large selection of photos on various themes and subjects, including King St views and social clubs, among others.
Online Database
The Brockville Museum is currently working on making its entire collection available online through our searchable database. This database will eventually include detailed information and images of all our documents and photographs. While this work is ongoing, we invite you to browse our collection online! Many answers to common questions can be found by searching this database.
Click here to see the “Brockville Heritage Pathfinder” a guide to researching Brockville’s people and places (Please note that the hours of operation listed in this document are now out of date, but much of the information is still relevant. Please always contact the desired organization in advance, as appointments are typically required to conduct research).