Research Request Form

Have a question about Brockville’s history? We may be able to help with our research services. We are able to access a number of resources in order to answer questions and provide information, including Brockville Directories and phone books dating back to the 1890s, Brockville history reference books, and research files containing copies of newspaper articles and miscellaneous documents on Brockville subjects. Typical inquiries include information on local businesses, sports teams, events and previous owners of specific houses. We also receive requests for historical images of specific scenes. We normally respond to inquiries within 2-4 weeks depending on the nature of the request, volume of requests and availability of staff. For Genealogical (family history) inquiries, please contact the Leeds & Grenville Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society. While most inquiries can be answered at no cost, please review our fee schedule before making a request. If a fee is necessary, we will advise you in advance.

Contact Information



Please be as specific as possible with your request. Please be sure to browse our online collection database first as the answer may be there!
I am looking for (select all that apply):(Required)
If you are looking for a specific image or object and know the accession number, please enter it here.
Purpose of request(Required)
Please review our Archival Fee Schedule for reproduction and publication fees if applicable.
What information are you looking for? Please note that our collection and research materials are limited to the City of Brockville boundaries (not Leeds and Grenville). Also note that genealogical inquiries should be directed to the Leeds and Grenville Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society (not the museum) unless you are just looking for basic information that can be found in a directory (phone book). Similarly requests for land property/registry records should be directed to Service Ontario.
This helps us narrow our focus and ensure we are not spending time searching for answers you already have.
If applicable, please attach any relevant photos here
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 300 MB.
    Most questions can be answered within our "first 15 minutes are free" policy, but we will discuss any applicable fees before proceeding. Archival Fee Schedule is available on our website.